Thursday, January 8, 2015


Today I am writing about Mr. Streckfus. I really like his class because it is fun and challenging. I would like a little more help in the flash game we are making but he can not help me. I hope to finish this game and it be fun and educational but that is hard to do with Mr. Streckfus not knowing much about flash 3.0 and he says, " I just designed the pictures". I want to have a good game but that is not going to happen. I have asked the help desk for help three times but I still have not gotten the game to work. All  it does is flash through all the scenes and it started doing that when I added the jumping code. I want the game to have a few questions before the action-y part but I guess not. In 2.0 the code was a lot easier to use and less complicated because Ms. Valdez taught me how to use it. But now that is out dated and we must use 3.0.  All I want to do is win one year, just one, but now that does not seem possible. I hope I get it working before times up but for now I have just given up on my game.
          It seems that I will never get it now because two of my team members have left this class and it is just me and one other. The first team mate left like a month ago. Lizeth left this school and went off to a new one. That made it it harder for the three of us. Then Kenzie left this class because she thought that Globaloria was stupid and went to art class and left the rest of the game to the two of us. Just now Mr. Streckfus told me he can help me with a mouse problem. It wont let me click in between a word and just highlights a letter out of it and now I cant add anything to the middle. I want to keep trying but I can't. So I am just gonna quit on the game for now until I get some help.

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