Monday, December 16, 2013

Add Game Ingredients

One of my problem that I had to overcome was when my custom curser was not showing. I fixed it by drawing it on each layer. Another problem I have had was when my win screen would not work.

Add Score And Msg Box

One problem I overcame was when the font was corrupt. To fix it I used a new font. then I embedded it. Another problem was when the text was not visible.

Friday, December 13, 2013

add hidden objects.

It was really hard to do the actionscript. I finally was able to add the code in and it works. It made me so happy. Next I would like to add a custom curser. Even though I know it will be hard.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

draw a background

While drawing my background got frustrated with the yellow lines in the middle of the road. It was also annoying to draw the objects. They made the game look a bit weird. Finally I found out that I could put a custom cursor to finish it up.

plan a game scene.

my visions for my game is a game that helps people learn how to save the environment. I also envision them playing the game and having fun at the same time. What excites me is drawing the characters and putting in the code. What also excites me is watching people play my game and having fun with it and learning at the same time.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

plan a game scene

My vision for my game is to help people learn in a fun an educational way. I hope people like it. what excites me is making it with a friend. Also having fun doing it.