Friday, January 20, 2012

Drawing a scene

I have learned that putting one species of animal in an area that it is not supposed to be can hert almost every thing in that environment. The bears are dieing because of lack of food because lake trout are killing and eating all the cutthrought trout and the lake trout are to deap to catch. But every time you catch a lake trout it can save over 100 lake trout.fishermen put in lake trout for better fishing.Because on the web sights I looked on said and they think it was from fishermen putting then there. The ones that were helpful were the ones that Yellowstone workers wrote so you can pretty much know that it is true. The have official web sights that you can look at and know the are trust worthy and they helped a whole bunch. 
I also learned a whole lot from my partner Eryn P. who's subject is wild fires an how they can devistate the land or help the land.There are also a ton of video's that can help you and teach you wile having fun. When we set up the video we had trouble cooperating but we got the hang of it but we still argue but it go better.

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